Your midterm assignment is due Monday April 8th. The midterm assignment involves a few different parts, that build on each other. Iām giving suggested due dates for each part, but the main thing is to get the whole thing done by April 8th.
Part 1 (Due April 1)
Part 2 (Due April 1)
Part 3 (Due April 8th)
To give you a better idea of what I am looking for I completed the midterm assignment myself.
My example midterm is located in this github repository
This repository contains:
Here are a few tips for finding a psych paper with open data. Most important, for this assignment you do not need to re-analyze all of the data from a particular paper. Many papers have multiple experiments, and multiple analyses, including analyses you may not be familiar with. You can restrict your re-analysis to a portion of the paper. For example, you might only re-analyse the results from one experiment, and perhaps only the results relevant to one of the tests (e.g., one ANOVA with post-hoc tests). You might choose a paper where you already know something about the statistical test that was run.
The data you find could be in many different formats. It should be possible to load it into R. Use the github issues tab if you run into problems
Focus in a single analysis that was relevant to one of the research questions. For example, if the analysis involved a one-factor ANOVA, then you might do the following:
The concept of a reproducible report is that someone else could exactly reproduce your analysis given your report. It is easy to make reproducible reports using R markdown. If you write your report in an .Rmd file, and that file includes your scripts for loading and analyzing the data, then by sharing your .rmd file, other people can exactly reproduce your report.
Your report should include:
A brief description of the research question and experiment (with citation to the paper, and link to find the data)
The scripts necessary to complete the re-analysis
The re-analysis (see above)
A brief discussion of whether you were successful or not.
In part 2, you will learn how to use the papaja package to create APA style manuscripts using R markdown. We will discuss how to use papaja in class. You will create a new .rmd file using the papaja template, and then transfer your reproducible report into this format. You will write very brief sections for:
Again, the purpose here is not to write an APA paper for the midterm, but to get some experience with using the papaja package.
In part 3 you will add a simulation-based power analysis to your APA-style manuscript. Specifically, you should report a graph showing a power-curve for the design. We will discuss how to conduct simulation based power analyses in class.